Ada Recycling Coalition Minutes
October 13, 2010
The following members were present: Garmon Smith, Trudy Nevland, Betty Parham, Joe Braly, Glenda DeShazo, Dana Nickell, Steve Timmons, Lisa Sharp, Dianna Piercy, Tylene Teel, Marilyn Ellis and Stan Fullingim.
Garmon Smith, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:13 pm.
Minutes – Trudy Nevland distributed last month’s monthly minutes for the record.
New Chamber Member Launch Luncheon – Joe Braly, who attended the meet in September, reported ARC was one of two new Chamber members represented.
Green Initiatives – Dana Nickell reported an Art Recycling Project was underway for next Earth Day and that she and Theresa Hammonds would be soliciting for prizes.
Autumn Days – After thanking those who participated and reporting the event went well, Joe Braly made a motion that ARC spend up to $100 to purchase a tent for special events. Deanna Piercy seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Braly will give receipts to Glenda DeShazo, Treasurer.
America Recycles Day – Dana Nickell reported that ARC’s PSA contest is underway and the committee has had positive feedback.
Art Contest for Earth Day 2011 – Ambrie Walker made a motion that ARC conduct its own recyclable art contest in conjunction with Green Initiatives and award $100 to the winner in the following three categories: Elementary (1-6) Jr. High (7-9) and High School (10-12). Dana Nickell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Committee members: Ambrie Walker, Dana Nickell and Trudy Nevland.
Resource Conservation Grant – Dana Nickell announced the Chickasaw was awarded the grant for expanding its reuse of construction (C&D) material.
Chickasaw Nation Recycling Update – Dana Nickell reported that a lot of items keep coming in to the Reuse Center. Ambrie Walker stated an average of 850 to 1500 lbs is accepted on the days they are open. In the plans for the center is a drop-off box for when the center is closed, a toy drive and a coat drive. In addition, Nickell reported that the Chickasaw Nation was a finalist for the Keep Oklahoma Beautiful and Environmental Excellence award.
City of Ada Recycling – Stan Fullingim, Recycling Coordinator, reported the center continues to set recycling records and that prices are currently high. He said the city is making money on the recyclables it is selling. Fullingim also observed that Ada, without intending to be, is becoming a recycling hub for the area. The center is receiving recyclables from McAlester, the Choctaw Nation, Sulphur and other communities. Fullingim would like to see Ada become a regional center for recycling one day. Dana Nickell suggested applying for a community block grant.
Oklahoma Recycling Seminar (October 15) – Several members are scheduled to attend.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event (October 23) – Trudy Nevland made a motion that ARC spend up to $100 to purchase much-needed drills and mixers in order to capture as much useable latex paint as possible during the city’s upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection event.
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 pm.
Submitted by: Trudy Nevland, ARC Secretary
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