July 8, 2009
The following members were present: Garmon Smith, Trudy Nevland, Deanna Piercy, Lisa Sharp, Dana Nickell, Raymon Wright, Stan Fullingim, Glenda DeShazo, Russ Lacen, Ambrie Walker and Marilyn Ellis.
Garmon Smith, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm.
Treasurer’s Report – The balance reported was $1,864.95.
Minutes – Trudy Nevland distributed last month’s minutes (which were accepted for the record).
Websites – Kudos to Lisa Sharp for all the work she’s done with getting ARC out on the web. Members and the public are now able to follow ARC via Twitter, Face Book, MySpace and by blogging, as follows:
1. Twitter:
2. MySpace:
3. Blog:
4. FaceBook: . Or just tell people to search for Ada Recycling Coalition on Facebook. When ARC has 100 people following, we will get a shorter URL.
Members are encouraged to add the Ada Recycling Coalition to their personal spaces and to sign up and/or follow ARC via Twitter and blogspot to help promote recycling in Ada.
Chickasaw Nation – Ambrie Walker reported that recycling beverage containers at the park during the 4th of July festivities went very well.
City of Ada Recycling – Stan Fullingim, Recycling Coordinator, reported that recycling has picked up lately, but that it is currently difficult to sell plastic. The recycling department now maintains the trailers at Wal-Mart on the weekends.
Recycling Discussions
• Plastic Recycling – It is important recyclers remember to keep Number 1s and 2s separate and to remove the lids/caps before placing items in the bins to be recycled.
• Garmon Smith would like to see beverage containers recycled during next year’s Air Expo.
The meeting was adjourned at 1 pm.
Submitted by: __________________________________________
Trudy Nevland, ARC Secretary
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